Sunday, February 17, 2008


The other day I went to the monastery of Poblet. It was my first time! The monastery of Poblet is one of the highlights of Catalunya. It has almost 850 years of history, and there you can find the tombs of some kings and queens of Catalunya, like for example the tomb of Jaume I. The area where the monastery is located is amazing! There are plenty of small villages in the country side. I wouldn't mind to have a house there...
I have like 5 recipes to upload. I prepared this one using the molds that my friend Azuki bought for me a few months ago. They are star-shaped and very cute.

  • 75 gr flour
  • 75 gr sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 gr butter
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 apple
  • icing sugar

How to prepare them?
First of all, melt the butter in the microwave or using the bain marie. In a deep bowl add the eggs and the sugar and mix them properly. After this, mix the flour with the baking powder and add them little by little to the bowl using a sifter. Mix it all well. Finally, add the melted butter to the mix, and continue mixing until you obtain a homogeneus mass. Pour in the mold and over it put a few apple slices and cover it with icing sugar. Bake it during 20 minutes at 180º.
  • 75 gr harina
  • 75 gr azúcar
  • 2 huevos
  • 50 gr mantequilla
  • 1 cucharadita de levadura
  • 1 manzana
  • azúcar glass
¿Cómo se prepara?
Primero de todo, derretimos la mantequilla en el microondas o al baño maria. En un recipiente hondo aparte, añadimos los huevos y el azúcar y se bate bien. Después, mezclamos la harina con la levadura, y las incorporamos tamizadas poco a poco y seguimos batiendo hasta que se mezcle bien. Como último paso añadimos la mantequilla derretida y batimos hasta que quede una masa homogénea. Lo ponemos en los moldes y le ponemos encima unas rodajas de manzana y azúcar glass. Poner en el horno a 180º durante unos 20 minutos aproximadamente.

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